acceptance, behavior, choices, finding your way, Friendship, God, God's love, Grace, Heaven, How God Loves Us

Going To Heaven; Living Like Hell

I used to live like that.

I was saved. I made a decision to accept Jesus as my Savior in High School. But He wasn’t my Lord. And I didn’t find out the difference until I was in my 50’s.

Being saved, to me, gave me false comfort that no matter what happened here on earth, no matter what i did, I was going to heaven and, at that time, that’s all that mattered to me.

Being saved didn’t keep me from doing anything I wanted (much of which was sinful disobedience to God). I went to church, prayed, sang in the choir, even taught teenagers in Sunday School–on Sunday. But Monday through Saturday belonged to me and my worldly pleasures.

I was going to heaven but living like someone going to hell.

However, once I experienced the true love, grace and mercy of Christ, abundant life 2I discovered the abundant life He offers, I could tell folks I knew what Romans 12:2 was about. That’s the life I’m living today. Jesus is my Savior AND my LORD!

Unfortunately, lots of folks today say they’re saved and going to heaven, but they’re living like hell. I go to church with some of them. All I know to do is love them with the same authentic love Christ showed me. Then I can pray they’ll see enough difference in us to want the same abundant life I enjoy now.

2 thoughts on “Going To Heaven; Living Like Hell

  1. This gets at the reason for our obedience to the Lord. The ultimate reason for worship and obedience is that we love and want to honor Him! Without that as our core motivation, we’ll easily slip back into self-centered activities. Thanks Steve!

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