
A bad connection

I was chatting with one of my blogging friends in Ohio recently. She was explaining something to me when suddenly I heard weird static on the phone. Then the call dropped.  I called her back and the same thing happened. Then she called me back and the same thing happened again. We both agreed it must be a bad connection so we wrapped up our chat and ended the call.

Don’t we experience bad connections with folks at times?  As I watch my two granddaughters, seven and four, grow up in our house, we have bad connections at times. Distractions cause the bad connections. Sometimes, they just aren’t listening when Granddaddy or Meme are trying to make a point or impart information to them. This bad connection usually rears its ugly head at the dinner table. Reina fixes her gaze on TV or her drawing pad and blocks out everything else.  The little one has a bad connection habit of bringing dolls or games or trinkets to the table to play with rather than eat.

Well, we’re going to try to prevent those bad connections.  We’ve decided that when we gather around the dinner table, we’ll turn off TV and make the little one keep all her playthings and trinkets off the table.  After we say our blessing we can focus on real family talk or discuss homework or talk about other family stuff.

We may not prevent all the other bad connections when they choose to ignore us or block us out. But I’m really looking forward to improving connections with our family at dinner time.

I’ll keep you posted.


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