
Millennials and the church.

What is happening with young people today and the church’s influence over them? Does the church even have any influence over the younger generations?

A survey conducted by the Cultural Research Center (CRC) at Arizona Christian University in Glendale Arizona found that 41% of Millennials, those folks born between 1981 and 1996, don’t care, know, or believe God exists.

The survey found that the 41% ers reject faith and organized religion. The Millennials surveyed said they define success and morality in terms of personal happiness and economic and social justice.

All I can say is I’m thrilled I’m not a millennial.

I have no clue what the numbers would be for the other groups, But I think it would be safe to say the church is losing it’s grip on its numbers and influence and effectiveness across the board.

2 thoughts on “Millennials and the church.

  1. The Millennials were the first generation growing up in a culture totally divorced from faith and God, so it’s not surprising. Universities further drive a wedge of doubt into them. Many become agnostic or atheist in colllege. They were also growing up at the height of the New Atheist movement. More significantly, they have no real felt-needs and can be constantly entertained by technology, so they are constantly distracted from listening to their own soul. They also think they know something by “Googling” it. This is not the case in other countries where the same generation is not so coddled and entertained. Nonetheless, they can be reached with a gospel that transforms lives an reaches the heart rather than just the head.


  2. The church has never been effective when it got its eyes on the culture as a whole. We are not called to change culture we are called to reach people and if we would focus on our people group and speak to it the truth of the gospel we would see change in our sphere of influence. My goal is not to reach America but to reach the people of the town God has planted me in.


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