
Counterfeit Christianity–Legalism

Sometimes Christians find themselves believing and living a counterfeit Christianity.

This type of fraudulent living is never productive. In fact, if you keep practicing it,

it can reek havoc with all your relationships, your work, your marriage and your intimate relationship with God

The inspiration for this series comes from a message from Pastor Trey Hildebrandt at 12Stone church called Christianity is a Lifestyle

Counterfeit Christianity–Legalism

If your brand of Christianity embraces legalism you  develop a dependence on moral law rather than on personal religious faith. You stress obedience rather than faith.

Legalism emphasizes a need “to perform certain deeds in order to gain salvation (works) and.

right standing before God.

Additionally, legalism refers to the view that Christians should be a Christian witness to things such as gambling, dancing, consuming alcohol, enjoying secular entertainment, or wearing immodest clothing. 

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