adapting to change, attitude, behavior, choices, Forgiveness, freedom, Friendship, God's Sovereignty, Grace, Grace / Mercy, growth, humility, Loving God, Peace, Serving others, sharing, Surrender, Truth

Bobby Kennedy’s speech on Martin Luther King’s assassination

A Personal Relationship With God, Biblical Principals, God, God's Sovereignty, Grace / Mercy, Guest Blogger, Love, Truth

Promise Keepers

Biblical Principals, God, God's Power, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, Grace / Mercy, Identity In Christ, Jesus, Life, Surrender, The Holy Spirit, Truth

Road To Emmaus–Heart Burn

Author’s Note: For the next two Tuesdays we will continue our look at our relationship with Jesus. As a reference we will study how two men responded to Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. We will walk with them as they return from Jerusalem to their home in a small town seven miles away. On the Road to Emmaus Jesus encounters them and changes their lives.  Somewhere along the road you will see yourself. You can evaluate where you are in your own walk with Jesus. You can decide whether you like where you are and whether you want to change how you respond to Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection.

I attended the second Promise Keeper weekend conference in Indianapolis, Indiana. More than 70,000 men gathered in the old RCA Dome stadium Continue reading