
The Gift Of Storms

Biblical Principals, God, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, God's Word, Obedience, Truth


A Personal Relationship With God, Friendship, God, God's omnipotence, God's Power, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, Grace, Grace / Mercy, Life, Righteousness, Salvation Plan, Truth

If You Can Not Afford An Attorney . . .

God, Grace / Mercy, Guest Blogger, Service

“Open Mic” Session

God, Home, Life, Personal

I Love Happy Endings. Don’t You?

God, God's Sovereignty, God's Word, Grace, Guest Blogger, Identity In Christ, Jesus, Love, The Church, The Gospel of Jesus Christ

Another Democrats-In-Heaven-Post Comment


Look Not Only To Your Interests But Also To The Interests Of Others

A Personal Relationship With God, God, Grace, Grace / Mercy, Love, Righteousness, Surrender, The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Great Commission

Perfect Picture Of Unconditional Love

God, God's Sovereignty, Grace, Life, Love, Peace, Practicing Religion Or Living In Faith?, Righteousness, The Church, The Gospel of Jesus Christ, Truth

Confessions Of A Former Card-Carrying Republican

Hi. My name is Steve Sawyer and I’m a non-politic.

I used to carry my Republican credentials proudly in my billfold and flash my card in public. In every election but a few since I could legally vote I pulled the Republican lever in the voting booth. I listened to conservative talking heads beat up on liberals and Democrats. I discovered the conservative right is as extreme and polarized as the liberal left.

That’s when I became a non-politic. They say you’re not supposed to mix politics and religion (No one has ever told me who “they” are). But I think politics and religion fit together perfectly. Both embrace performance-based acceptance. Both condemn and shun anyone with an opposing viewpoint. Both think they’re better than their neighbors. Both depend on archaic rules, traditions and customs. They both want to convince you that they’re right and everyone else is wrong. Both want to convince you that they have all the answers to all the questions in all the world. Both survive by making grandiose promises. They both strive to make folks feel good. Both have their roots in Pharisaic dogma masquerading as truth and moral correctness.

I think I’ll stick to calling myself a non-politic authentic follower of Jesus. He wasn’t about politics or religion either. Thank God.

A Personal Relationship With God, Friendship, God, Guest Blogger, Jesus

Reader Reacts To Democrats In Heaven Post

A Personal Relationship With God, Friendship, God, God's Sovereignty, God's Word, Grace, Identity In Christ, Life, Love, Personal, Salvation Plan, The Gospel, Truth, What I Believe

Can You Lose Your Salvation?

A Personal Relationship With God, God, God's Sovereignty, Grace / Mercy, Guest Blogger, Service, Surrender, Truth

Do What Coaches Do

God, God's Sovereignty, Grace, Identity In Christ, Life, Love, The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Great Commission, Truth

Will There Be Democrats In Heaven? No!

God, God's Will, Grace / Mercy, Identity In Christ, Truth



Lessons From Qumran

Qumran was a first-century Jewish community that had isolated itself from outside influences to prepare for the arrival of the Messiah. They took great care in devotional life, ceremonial washings,, and strict adherence to rules of conduct. Surviving documents show that they would not allow the lame, the blind, or the crippled into their communities. This was based on their conviction that anyone with a physical “blemish” was ceremonially unclean. Ironically, at that same time the Messiah of Israel was at work in the cities and villages of Judea and Galilee.  Our Daily Bread, Friday, January 25, 2013. www.rbc.org.

Luke 14:7-14.

God, God's Power, God's Sovereignty, Obedience, Peace, Service, The Gospel

The Bigger They Are . . .

A Personal Relationship With God, God, God's Word, Grace, Grace / Mercy, Obedience, Service, Surrender, The Church


Friendship, God, Jesus, Love, Salvation Plan, Service, The Gospel, The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Great Commission

I Love Vacation Bible School

God's Sovereignty, God's Will, Grace, Grace / Mercy, Guest Blogger

A New Heart


“Christian” Is A Lousy Adjective

A Personal Relationship With God, Biblical Principals, God's Sovereignty, God's Word, Identity In Christ, Personal, Truth

Take The “Living By The Law” Test


What Self-Help Books Don’t Tell You

God, God's Sovereignty, Guest Blogger, Identity In Christ, The Gospel of Jesus Christ

Graduation (And Speakers) Changes

A Personal Relationship With God, God's Power, God's Sovereignty, Grace / Mercy, Righteousness, Truth

God’s Righteous Right Hand