abiding in Christ, change, choices, God's Sovereignty, Grace / Mercy, growth, Love, showing love, Trials and tribulation, trusting God, Truth

She learned trust in the pool

She was five. Already brave and outgoing. And, like her dad, a type A who never met a stranger.  But she tip-toed around water.  She was okay walking around in the shallow end wearing her swimmies. Those kept her head above water.

I thought it was time she lost her fear of the water.  We moved down to the waist-high area of the pool.  I stood in the water a few feet from the edge.

“Jump in, Leah,” I said.

She would have no part of it. She stood on the bank with one of those 5-year-old “No, I’m not going to” defiant objections.

“Oh, come on. Daddy’s right here. I’ll catch you.”  I spread my arms wade apart. “I’ll catch you.”

“No! I’ll get water in my nose.”

This war of pleas and objections went on for 10 minutes. She finally worked up the courage to walk to the edge of the pool. “Hold your nose and jump in,” I said. “I’ll catch you. I promise. Just trust me.

She finally held her nose and jumped. I dunked her head under water for two seconds. She survived! She thought jumping intotrust and obey the pool and daddy catching her was a blast!

So, my five-year-old jumped off the edge of the pool and daddy caught her . . .again and again . . .for the next 45 minutes! She never got tired. Daddy did. Or we’d still be at that pool.

Once my daughter learned her daddy would do what he said he would do, she trusted him.

Isn’t that true with our Daddy? When we learn once that we can trust God to do what He says He will do in a circumstance we surrender to Him, isn’t it easier, the next time to trust him with another circumstance or trial or dilemma?

acceptance, adapting to change, attitude, behavior, Biblical Principals, choices, danger, Forgiveness, God, God's Will, Grace, Grace / Mercy, Life, loving others, managing change, patience, Serving others, showing love, Truth

Whole lotta shoutin’ goin’ on

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, Almighty God, attitude, behavior, Bible, Biblical Principals, choices, God, God's love, God's omnipotence, God's Power, God's Will, Grace, Grace / Mercy, How God Loves Us, If You Are In Christ . . ., In the presence of God, Jesus, Love, Peace, protection, Relationship With God, The Solution, trusting God, Truth

What resentment can do

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, choices, God, God's love, God's omnicience, God's omnipotence, God's omnipresence, God's Power, God's purpose, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, God's Word, Grace, Grace / Mercy, Obedience, trusting God

Let go (of what?) and let God Response

acceptance, adapting to change, assault on law enforcement, attitude, behavior, change, choices, finding your way, God, Grace / Mercy, humility, law enforcement, Lessons learned, managing change, patience, Serving others, showing love

My response to the tragic murders in Dallas, Orlando, San Bernadino and beyond

Editor’s Note: I wrote this blog post two days before the
police murders in Baton Rouge.

A fellow blogger on Bloggermeetup.com challenged us to write a blog post conveying our thoughts and feelings about the killings in Dallas, Orlando, San Bernardino and beyond. Here I goes . . .

Continue reading

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, acceptance, change, changes, choices, Forgiveness, freedom, God, God's omnicience, God's omnipotence, God's omnipresence, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, God's Word, Grace, Grace / Mercy, Relationship, Surrender, Trials and tribulation, trusting God

Chained to the past

A Personal Relationship With God, acceptance, behavior, Biblical Principals, change, changes, choices, Christian community, freedom, God, God's omnipotence, God's Power, God's purpose, God's Will, Grace, Obedience, Trials and tribulation, trusting God, Truth

Come on. Get Up!

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, application, attitude, Biblical Principals, God, God's Will, Grace / Mercy, Obedience, Truth

I wish I had said (done) something.

A Personal Relationship With God, attitude, behavior, choices, freedom, God's love, God's omnipresence, God's Power, Grace, Grace / Mercy, Lessons learned, Obedience, Relationship, Relationship With God, Surrender, teachers, trusting God, Truth

The day my daughter learned to trust me

A Personal Relationship With God, choices, God's love, God's Power, God's Word, Guest Blogger, Truth

Running Scared Or Walking Confidently

By Dr. John Ed Mathisonjohn ed
Executive Director
John Ed Mathison Leadership Ministries

“Running scared” might be the best description of how many people are living today. Fear is rapidly becoming one of the most dominant emotions that we have. Present day circumstances really heighten the emotion of fear.

Various pollsters listed some of the things of which American people are afraid. 71% suspect that there will soon be major terrorist attacks in the U.S. 43% fear that they or someone in their family will contract Ebola. 57% worry about being killed in a mass shooting. 69% fear cyber criminals will steal their credit card information. 62% fear that hackers will break into their phone or computer and steal sensitive and private information. A huge majority of older citizens fear that they won’t have enough money for retirement years.

Andrew Parker, the Britain Security Chief has recently warned that Al Qaeda is planning “mass casualty attacks against the West.” He goes on to say, “My sharpest concern as Director General of M15 is the growing gap between the increasingly challenging threat and the decreasing availability of capacities to address it.” Newspapers, television, social media – every day is filled with new threats that would heighten our fear.

Kenneth Benedict, executive director and publisher of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, meeting in Washington D.C. Thursday, January 24, 2015, reported that they are moving the Doomsday Clock two minutes closer to midnight. Benedict said, “It is now three minutes to midnight. The probability of global catastrophe is very high. This is about the end of civilization as we know it.”

Do we have more to fear today than in the past? I don’t know the answer to that. One person stated recently that we have so much to fear today that back in the Roosevelt days we didn’t realize how lucky we were – having nothing to fear but fear itself!

The subtle danger of fear is that it appears to be something that it is not. It is deceptive. It is false. Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s famous quote that “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself” was followed by a description of fear as “nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.”

One acronym for FEAR is False Evidence Against Reality. Fear is not always real, it can be exaggerated. It doesn’t always fit with reality. A Russian proverb says, “Fear has big eyes.” Fear will magnify what it sees – and sometimes will see what is not even there. Mark Twain said, “I don’t believe in ghosts, but I’m scared of them.”

The answer to fear is faith. There are 365 references in the Bible to fear. I am not real good at math but that is about one for every day of the year. Each of those references assures us of God’s love and care for us and the importance of placing our faith in Him. As my friend Jim Sanders signs his letters:

Inhale Faith – Exhale Fear.

Psalm 34:4 – “I prayed to the Lord and He answered me. He freed me from all my fears.” I John 4:4 – “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” Isaiah 41:10 – “Don’t be afraid for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you and hold you up with my victorious right hand.”

Life is a choice – fear or faith – running scared or walking confidently.

John Ed’s blog posts appear each Thursday in For His Glory.

Contact: JAM Executive Suite 4,4131 Carmichael Road, Montgomery, AL 36106 Phone: 334-270-2149 Email:info@johnedmathison.org


The Gift Of Storms


“Daddy, Can I Trust You?”