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You’re nobody. . .till somebody loves you.

Dean Martin

Dean Martin was an American singer, actor, and comedian. One of the most popular and enduring American entertainers of the mid-20th century, Martin was nicknamed “The King of Cool”.

As a singer Martin was probably best known for his rendition of the song “You’re nobody till somebody loves you.”

Martin was a heavy drinker, a womanizer, a gambler and a chain smoker.

I’m sure he never imagined that one of his songs would bring believers so much comfort and peace and rest one day.

You see, as a believer you’re already loved deeply and forever. Almighty God already loves us unconditionally and with a love that will never fade or end. We have been loved since before Almighty God decided to create the heavens and the earth.

This love God has for us is indescribable. It is unfathomable. We can’t understand it. We can’t explain it. All we can ever do is receive it and share it with others. You can’t change it. You can’t refuse it. You can’t stop receiving it. You can never be turned down for it. God is love. He can do nothing else but love.

Here are just a few of the benefits that are part of God’s love for every believer

  • You are accepted just as you are, scars and warts and all.
  • You are totally forgiven for all your sins, past, present and future.
  • You can’t do or say anything that will change God’s unconditional love for you.
  • God makes you a partaker of an inheritance that is literally out of this world
  • You are made holy and blameless and righteous.
  • You are a precious child of God adopted into his family forever.
  • You have received the power of the Holy Spirit and He can do miraculous things through for you and through you.
  • You possess the mind of Christ and the peace that passes all understanding.
  • God supplies all of our needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

Not every child of God believes who he or she is in Christ. For instance some believers have done things they can’t believe God would ever forgive them for. Some believers can’t wrap their arms around the truth that they were created before God created the world and they will neve die.

Whether folks believe all the above stuff or not. It doesn’t change the fact that it’s all true.

It doesn’t matter what you believe about God’s love. It only matter what God says about his love for believers. For everything God says or does is true.

I didn’t include any Scripture references in this post. I’m going to challenge you to seek God’s truth about Him and you in his word. All His truth is there.

A Personal Relationship With God, acceptance, Almighty God, application, attitude, behavior, belief system, Blood of Christ, bridge, change, changes, choices, Christian community, conversation, denial, discussion, enough is enough, false gods, Forgiveness, Friendship, God, God alone, God's love, God's omnipresence, God's purpose, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, God's Word, Grace, Grace / Mercy, growth, helping, hope, How God Loves Us, humility, Identity In Christ, If You Are In Christ . . ., Jesus, kindness, law enforcement, Love, Loving God, loving others, Obedience, Peace, peace of God, perseverance, Prayer, protection, Relationship With God, Service, Serving others, sharing, showing love, Surrender, The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Great Commission, trusting God, Truth, truth, undaunted

Unity please.

We inaugurated a new president, Joe Biden, and Vice President Kamala Harris, on January 20.

We’ve just completed the most significant benchmark in our entire democracy–the transfer of power from one presidential administration to another–pageantry we perform and celebrate every four years.

Vice President Kamila Harris
President Joe Biden

The quote that impacted me most in Mr. Biden’s inaugural address, and one I can imagine myself quoting in future blog posts, is what he said about unity. Mr. Biden said, “With unity we can do great things. Without unity, there is no peace.”

Unity please. We so desperately need unity in this country in this day and time, especially since Trump, in his last weeks in office tried to split our country apart even more.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King said, “Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.”

Paul urges us in Ephesians 4:31 to “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.

We can’t even begin to change our attitudes about being united with our fellow man until we undergo a transforming change of our collective hearts.

And God is the only one who can do that.

Are you prepared for Him to do that in your heart?

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, behavior, belief system, change, choices, Christian community, Christianity, God, God's love, God's omnicience, God's omnipotence, God's purpose, God's Sovereignty, God's Word, Grace, Grace / Mercy, How God Loves Us, Identity In Christ, If You Are In Christ . . ., Jesus, knowing God, Love, Loving God, loving others, Peace, Personal, Relationship, Relationship With God, Servant, Serving others, sharing, showing love, the cross of Christ, The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Great Commission, trusting God, Truth, truth, What I Believe

Who we are–really

identity in Christ

I’ve been living under an assumed name now for years — Christian. God is slowly showing me that Jesus’ last command before returning to His Father was not “Go and make Christians of all nations.” You can’t really find any definition for Christian in the Bible. In fact in the KJV version the word only appears three times.

“Christian” was a derogatory term those outside Jesus’ followers used to call those who followed Jesus around. Jesus’ command was “Go and make disciples of all nations.” Now disciples has a clear concise definition in the Bible. Jesus defined a disciple as followers who loved one another.

Every command, every verse, every lesson, every book, every parable Jesus told, every Bible study we use today. All of it is based on that command: love one another. Love those we like, love those we love, love those we don’t like, love those who don’t worship like we do, those who don’t worship at all, those who rebel.

Jesus loves all those (in fact he hug out with tax collectors and sinners) as much as we who Jesus calls His children. He loves each of us regardless of who we are, what we’ve done, or where we’ve been.

So don’t call me a Christian anymore. You can define a Christian any way you want to, with a bushel full of beliefs,  a plethora of principles, some authentic, contrived rationalized behavior, rituals, rules and regulations.

Instead of calling me a Christian, I want folks to know me to call me a disciple of Jesus Christ or an authentic follower of Christ. That’s my true identity in Christ and my one purpose is to love God and love others.

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, Almighty God, belief system, Bible, Blood of Christ, Christian community, Creation, discussion, Exchanged Life, finding your way, God, God's purpose, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, Gospel, Grace / Mercy, How God Loves Us, Jesus, kindness, knowing God, Love, Loving God, Peace, peace of God, reasom, religion, Service, The Gospel, trusting God, Truth, truth

God bless atheists this Christmas

A New Jersey billboard, paid for by atheists, depicted three wise men approaching Mary and Joseph and Baby Jesus in a manger. The billboard proclaimed, “You know it’s a myth! Celebrate reason.”  The atheist group reportedly paid $20 grand to display the message through the Christmas season.

A spokesman for the atheist group said the billboard was not to condemn Christians for celebrating Christmas; it was to encourage atheists to stop going through the motions of celebrating Christmas.

If you’ve ever debated Christ with an atheist or a non-believer you may discover their belief system sounds shallow. But many are adamant believers in their faith in a godless world. Isn’t that an oxymoron? If they have beliefs and faith, isn’t that, well . . . belief and faith in something?

But let’s not go there. I’m not seeking to belittle atheists or their beliefs and faith.

God still blesses atheists. Many of them are successful, well-educated, kind and considerate people. They go to college, raise families, contribute to their communities, volunteer their time and resources for the good of others. They prosper and add to our general welfare. Many are good people.

Like Christians, atheists live by the choices they make. From the beginning I believe God gave man freedom of choice in the Garden of Eden.  Atheists acquired their freedom to choose from the big bang, as they tell it, when their version of man’s ability to choose crawled out of the primal ooze, and, through osmosis, I suppose, seeped into his brain and enabled him to think.

As an authentic follower of Jesus I believe Adam and Eve’s garden experience instilled in every man and woman the ability to choose right from wrong and good from evil.

God, I believe, gave us the choice to believe in Him and Jesus as our Savior, or not to believe.

I believe when I take my last breath I will go to sleep (die physically) and wake up in the arms of Jesus. Atheists believe when they die their bodies will rot wake up in Jesus’ arms, but rather return to the earth as worm food. No afterlife, no heaven, no Jesus waiting to say, “Well done, good and faithful servant,” no treasures in heaven, no trumpets, no mansion, no streets of gold, no peace.

And they’re entitled to believe that. They don’t have to believe they are God’s children and that He loves atheists every bit as much as He loves true believers.

I also believe, however, that those who don’t believe (like the atheists) will spend eternity separated from God (as He says they will in the Bible) for eternity. Eternity is a long time to be wrong.

But God blesses atheists, and will continue to bless them with life and health and families and 401K’s and good jobs and food and clothing, just like he blesses us.  God will continue to love atheists until they draw their last breath.

Then atheists will discover, the moment after that last breath, whether they were right or wrong.

So will we.

God is just: He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you and give relief to you who are troubled, and to us as well. This will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels. He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might. 2 Thessalonians 1:6-9

abiding in Christ, attitude, Biblical Principals, Christian community, God, God alone, God's love, God's omnipotence, God's purpose, God's Will, hope, How God Loves Us, Love, Loving God, peace of God, perseverance, Relationship With God, showing love, The Church, trusting God, Truth, truth

Who’s in charge?)

What a mess!!!

So many conflicts. ballot challenges, accusations of cheating, stealing votes, lying politicians (of course that’s nothing new), more wild demonstrations, law suits, divisiveness, hate, protests, racism, a fractured church, a polarized society and culture, failure to communicate, a media gone mad…

How and when will it ever end? In my opinion it won’t. It Can’t. We’ve gone too far. I believe our wonderful constitutional democracy is witnessing it’s waning days. Congress can’t fix it, the courts can’t fix it, the president can’t fix it, Billy Graham or James Dobson or Dr. Phil can’t fix it.

I’m even beginning to wonder if 1st Chronicles 7:14 will still work:

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” My people” can’t even agree with each other. The church today is about as fractured as it’s ever been. How are they ever going to be unified enough to humble themselves and pray as a unified body of believers–the church?

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” Psalms 46:1

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

There are oodles of scriptures in God’s Word that affirm God’s absolute sovereignty and that Almighty God is still on the throne and in complete control of everything.

Remembering that and abiding in it, I believe, is our only hope today and in the future.

attitude, choices, Christian community, God, God's love, God's Power, God's Will, Grace / Mercy, heart and soul, helping, Heroes, hope, How God Loves Us, humility, John Ed Mathison, kindness, Life, Love, loving others, Personal, protection, reaching out, Relationship With God, Righteousness, Servant, Service, Serving others, sharing, showing love, Stewardship, Surrender, The Great Commission, truth, undaunted

Does age matter?

COVID-19 has taught us a lot of things about life. One thing we’ve learned is that age is not a factor when we need to reach out and help other people. (Read Job 12:12; 32: 6-10.) Here are four quick examples:

Cavanaugh Bell is a first-grader in Maryland. He heard about the coronavirus, and he started thinking about what he could do. He had $600 in savings. He asked his mom to go shopping with him. He bought cartloads of hand sanitizer, snacks, cleaning supplies, and toilet paper. He made 65 care packages.

Cavanaugh then went to his grandmother’s senior living community and passed them out. He observed all the social distancing guidelines. He wore gloves and a mask and kept his distance. He said, “I like giving back. That’s my passion.”  How passionate are you about giving back?  

10-year-old Chelsea Phaire was quarantined at home when she decided to use her time wisely to find a way to turn a tough situation into a terrific solution. She started Chelsea’s Charity. She sends out art kits to kids in homeless shelters and foster care facilities. In the past three months, this first-grader from Danbury, CT, has shipped more than 1,500 packages containing coloring books, crayons, markers, and other materials.

Chelsea says that she hopes her kits will give other children something creative and fun to do when they’re feeling down. She said, “Whether I’m happy or sad, art is always there for me.” God has something there for you. Are you willing to see it, use it, and make somebody else’s life better?

Meet Anna Adcox and her sister, Francis Trimble. They live in Dadeville, Alabama. They are 95 and 87 years old respectively. They are very productive. They spend their mornings working in their garden, and in the afternoon, they sew dresses and shorts for children around the world. These two ladies have finished about 7,000 dresses!

You’ll never hear Anna and Francis saying, “I’m too old, I can’t do that, I don’t know how.” They are continually learning, serving, and making a difference in the world. Several thousand boys and girls are glad they didn’t know how old they were!

Tom Moore is a 99-year-old World War II veteran who wanted to do something for Britain’s National Health Service. He decided to walk 10 laps around his garden every day and complete 100 laps by his 100th birthday on April 30,2020. His goal was to raise $1,000. Tom’s 16-year-old grandson, Benji, shared his vision on social media. Donations started pouring in. I saw the TV clip of him walking his laps with his walker and several British Military officers saluting him. He raised over $36,000,000!

In July, Queen Elizabeth II used the royal sword to bestow knighthood upon Tom Moore. At 100 years old, he did ask if he could remain standing during the ceremony, saying, “If I kneel down, I may never get up again.”

If your age is between Cavanaugh and Tom – you’re the right age to make a difference!

A Personal Relationship With God, Almighty God, Bible, Bible Study, Biblical Principals, Christian community, God, God's love, God's purpose, God's Sovereignty, God's Word, growth, How God Loves Us, In the presence of God, knowing God, Lessons learned, Love, protection, Relationship With God, Trials and tribulation, trusting God, Truth

Our afflictions

I have refined you, though not as silver;
    I have tested you in the furnace of affliction
. Isaiah 48:10

Raise your hand if you like afflictions

Nobody. Right? Well guess what? Afflictions are good for us. So are trials and tribulations and struggles. Before you click off my blog and tell me I’m crazy. . .

keep reading
A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, acceptance, behvior, Bible, change, choices, Christian community, God's Power, God's Sovereignty

Self is a four-letter word

When we use, or you hear someone use the word “try” that means “self” is vying for control. Self is

assuming responsibility. Super responsibility. That’s not a good thing.

Self tries to live the Christian life. Self does good Christian work. Self loves to chair committees. Self likes to volunteer in the food pantry and the clothes closet.  Self loves to teach Bible Study. Self lives to volunteer. Self never says no. Self is “self” confident. Self likes to think it’s “self-sufficient”.

Self likes to play leader. Self becomes arrogant when someone has a better idea than self.  Self thinks it knows best. Self worries. Self gets full of self. Self stands up for self’s rights. Self knows how to do things right around its church. Self pouts when it doesn’t get its own way. Self is unyielding in its attitudes towards others. Self looks for greener grass. Self seeks greatness and  notoriety for its achievements and holiness. Self is judgmental. Self is self-conscious. Self takes even constructive criticism personally. Self likes to be right. But self is humble. If you don’t believe it ask self.

Self is such a failure.

Self needs breaking. As long as self seeks to be in control God can do little in self or through self. But self can not break its will to God’s will. It has to be a sanctifying work of God and God alone. Coming to the end of self is a life-long journey coming to the ultimate realization that “self” is not as smart or wise as “self” thinks.

Paul said in Philippians,

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Philippians 2:3-4

Those verses are tough pills for self to swallow. And it’s only by the sanctifying work of Christ living in us that we can ever get to the end of self.

Jesus said in Luke 9:23

If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me.

 That’s the end of self. The end of you. The end of me.

A Personal Relationship With God, adapting to change, behavior, Biblical Principals, choices, Christian community, God, God's Will, God's Word, Grace, Grace / Mercy, humility, kindness, Love, Peace, Relationship With God, Serving others, trusting God, Truth

Free speech costs plenty!

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, adoption, Bible, Biblical Principals, change, changes, Christian community, conversation, Creation, God, God's Power, God's purpose, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, Grace, Grace / Mercy, Guest Blogger, hope, knowing God, Obedience, protection, Salvation Plan, sanctification, Surrender, Truth

What’s your PQ-your purpose quotient?

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, behavior, Biblical Principals, Christian community, conversation, Forgiveness, freedom, Friendship, God, God's omnicience, God's omnipotence, God's omnipresence, God's Power, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, Grace, Grace / Mercy, How God Loves Us, Identity In Christ, kindness, knowing God, Loving God, Relationship With God, Righteousness, Salvation Plan, sanctification, Serving others, showing love, Truth

5 + 2

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, acceptance, Almighty God, attitude, behavior, Bible, Bible Study, Biblical Principals, Blood of Christ, choices, Christian community, Exchanged Life, Forgiveness, freedom, God, God's love, God's omnicience, God's omnipotence, God's Power, God's purpose, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, God's Word, Grace, Grace / Mercy, Jesus, kindness, knowing God, Love, Loving God, patience, Peace, Praise and Worship, protection, Relationship, Relationship With God, Righteousness, sanctification, Servant, sharing, Surrender, the cross of Christ, The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, trusting God, Truth, Worship

Must we confess our sins to be forgiven?

A Personal Relationship With God, Almighty God, Christian community, God, God's love, God's omnicience, God's omnipotence, God's omnipresence, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, Grace, Grace / Mercy, How God Loves Us, Identity In Christ, kindness, knowing God, Love, Loving God, loving others, Peace, peace of God, showing love, Surrender, Truth

When we see The Father for the first time

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, acceptance, angels, attitude, Bible Study, Biblical Principals, change, changes, choices, Christian community, Christianity, finding your way, freedom, God's omnicience, God's omnipotence, God's omnipresence, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, Grace, Grace / Mercy, growth, Heaven, hope, kindness, knowing God, Love, Peace, Surrender, Truth

Where will you go when you die?

A Personal Relationship With God, acceptance, attitude, Biblical Principals, changes, choices, Christian community, Forgiveness, freedom, God, God's Power, God's purpose, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, Grace, Grace / Mercy, growth, Guest Blogger, How God Loves Us, humility, In the presence of God, kindness, Love, Obedience, patience, peace of God, Praise and Worship, Relationship, Relationship With God, sanctification, Serving others, Surrender, trusting God, Truth

Why forgive?

About me, acceptance, adapting to change, attitude, behavior, change, changes, choices, Christian community, God, God's love, God's omnicience, God's omnipotence, God's Sovereignty, Grace, growth, humility, Lessons learned, Life, managing change, showing love, Trials and tribulation, trusting God

Today is National Bipolar Day

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, behavior, Biblical Principals, choices, Christian community, Christianity, God's purpose, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, God's Word, Grace, Grace / Mercy, How God Loves Us, humility, kindness, knowing God, loving others, Obedience, reaching out, Relationship With God, Servant, Serving others, sharing, showing love, Truth

Are you a Sea of Galilee or Dead Sea believer?

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, Almighty God, change, Christian community, Christianity, God, God's love, God's omnicience, God's omnipotence, God's omnipresence, God's Power, God's purpose, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, Grace / Mercy, Guest Blogger, How God Loves Us, humility, Jesus, Lessons learned, Life, loving others, managing change, Obedience, Praise, Relationship With God, The Church, The Gospel, trusting God

The Struggle In Today’s Church

Editor’s Note: I ran across this post on Writinggomer’s  blog and wanted to share it with my readers. Greg has some of the same issues I have expressed on this blog before about the state of the church today.  Is the church more like a harlot or the Bride of Christ?

By Writinggomer
Published on his website: Believing God Today

How would you like your eggs today, over-easy, scrambled, fried, sunny-side up, soft-boiled, hard-boiled, poached, or shirred?? How about your steak; rare, medium rare, medium, medium well, or well done?? Choice of potatoes? This sounds like questions for a meal in a restaurant right?

Can you relate the above questions to today’s Church? Depending on the meal you choose when eating in a restaurant, you, the patron, sometimes have Continue reading

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, acceptance, adoption, Almighty God, behavior, changes, choices, Christian community, Christianity, Friendship, God's omnicience, God's omnipotence, God's Power, God's purpose, God's Sovereignty, Grace, Grace / Mercy, growth, Identity In Christ, If You Are In Christ . . ., knowing God, Loving God, loving others, Obedience, Serving others, showing love

How do we know the one true Church?

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, Almighty God, Biblical Principals, choices, Christian community, Christianity, freedom, God's omnicience, God's omnipresence, God's Power, God's purpose, God's Sovereignty, Grace / Mercy, protection, Truth

The Church can not be separated from the State

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, attitude, Bible, Biblical Principals, Blood of Christ, choices, Christian community, Christianity, conversation, finding your way, God, God's omnicience, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, God's Word, Grace, Grace / Mercy, hope, kindness, Love, Obedience, Peace, Personal, Practicing Religion Or Living In Faith?, sanctification, Surrender, The Gospel of Jesus Christ, Truth

A book of discipline

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, acceptance, attitude, Christian community, freedom, God, God's purpose, God's Sovereignty, hope, Jesus, kindness, Life, Love, Peace, Salvation Plan, The Gospel of Jesus Christ

Do you ever use the “J” word in public?

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, behavior, changes, choices, Christian community, God, God's omnipresence, God's purpose, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, Grace, Grace / Mercy, helping, isolation, kindness, loneliness, Love, managing change, Serving others, sharing, showing love

Ever notice isolation around you?

A Personal Relationship With God, application, attitude, Biblical Principals, changes, choices, Christian community, God, God's love, God's purpose, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, God's Word, Grace, Grace / Mercy, hope, Jesus, kindness, loneliness, Love

He just loved her

acceptance, Biblical Principals, change, choices, Christian community, Friendship, God, God's love, God's omnipresence, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, God's Word, Grace, Grace / Mercy, How God Loves Us, humility, Loving God, loving others, managing change, Obedience, patience, Relationship

What is the church doing about mental illness?