A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, application, attitude, behavior, Biblical Principals, choices, finding your way, freedom, God, God alone, God's love, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, Grace, Grace / Mercy, growth, Guest Blogger, humility, knowing God, Lessons learned, managing change, Practicing Religion Or Living In Faith?, protection, reaching out, sanctification, Serving others, sharing, showing love, Surrender, trusting God, Truth

What’s your FQ? your faith quotient?

A Personal Relationship With God, acceptance, adapting to change, attitude, behavior, Bible, Biblical Principals, change, choices, God, God's omnicience, God's purpose, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, Grace, Grace / Mercy, knowing God, Lessons learned, Obedience, patience, protection, Relationship With God, Resurrection, sanctification, Surrender, trusting God, Truth

Banging on the door


Wisdom And Good Advice From An Old Farmer

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, choices, God, God's love, God's Power, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, Grace, Grace / Mercy, knowing God, Obedience, Surrender, Truth

A Ford and The Father

A Personal Relationship With God, attitude, behavior, choices, freedom, God's love, God's omnipresence, God's Power, Grace, Grace / Mercy, Lessons learned, Obedience, Relationship, Relationship With God, Surrender, teachers, trusting God, Truth

The day my daughter learned to trust me

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, attitude, choices, finding your way, God's omnicience, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, Grace, Grace / Mercy, Peace, Surrender, Truth

Visibility Zero

Almighty God, choices, Jesus, sanctification

Learning To Ask

choices, God, God alone, God's omnipresence, God's purpose, God's Sovereignty, God's Word, Grace, Grace / Mercy, hope, How God Loves Us, peace of God, Truth

God At Work


Visibility: Zero


“Daddy, Can I Trust You?”