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When I knew for sure

Lots of authentic Christ followers can tell you the time and place when they were saved. Or where they were on 9-11, or where they were when MLK was assassinated, or the last time the Dodgers won the World Series.

I can tell you the time and place I was when I learned my true identity in Christ. I was in Al Scardino’s bible study class with Marie at First Baptist Church Atlanta. It was August 13, 2000. We were studying Dan Stone and Greg Smith’s powerful book, The Rest of the Gospel.1 Page 90 to be specific.

It was one of those unforgettable revelation moments when the light flashes and all of a sudden you get it. You realize that you live in Christ and Christ lives in you. And that’s the only identity you need.

Satan hates it. Because at that moment in your life he realizes that he has absolutely no chance of EVER persuading you to reject God and follow him. It means he has lost that believer forever to victory in Jesus.

We exist and live in one of two realms. The eternal realm of the Spirit of Almighty God. IT’s where things simply are. Everything is completed, unseen, changeless and timeless. No fear. No pain. No loss. Just never-ending peace and love always in the presence of Almighty God living as his beloved children.

The other realm we call the natural or temporal realm. If you live in this realns. m you are dying every day. There is a beginning and end. There is good and evil. There is a past, present and a future. There is birth, life and death. Wealth. Poverty. Failure. Expectations. Limits and experiences. Consequences. Trauma. Fear. Hate. Rejection. But the worst part about living in the natural realm is you are separated from God.

Are you still living in the natural realm? If you are, how’s that working for you? Things are going to become progressively worse. Any happiness you may experience will eventually turn to disappointment, futility and loss. You will eventually have to admit that this life sucks. Nothing works out the way you thought it would. Failures mount. So does your emptiness and feelings of worthlessness.

Do you want to swap realms? Do you want a personal relationship with the Creator of the Universe? Wouldn’t you love to have all your sins forgiven forever? Would you like to know your eternal home?

IF you’d like all this stuff you get by living in the realm of the Spirit, have all your sins forgiven and become a child of God and join his family forever just say this simple prayer and it will be a done deal.

“God, I confess to you that I have sinned and I am genuinely sorry. I confess that my life has fallen short of your glory because of the way I’ve been living.  I want to know you. I want a personal relationship with my Savior. I believe by faith in You that Christ died for my sins. I ask you now, Jesus, to forgive me of my sins and come live in my heart.  I trust you as my Savior and receive you as my Lord. Thank you, Jesus, for saving me. Amen.”

Congratulation. You have a new Father and a new life in Christ. Your old self is dead and your new life is alive in Christ forever.

1The Rest of the Gospel; One Press, Dallas, Texas, c 2000

2000; pg. 90

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, attitude, belief system, Bible, Biblical Principals, changes, choices, Christianity, conversation, finding your way, Forgiveness, Friendship, God, God's love, God's purpose, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, Grace, Grace / Mercy, Guest Blogger, Heaven, helping, hope, How God Loves Us, Identity In Christ, In the presence of God, kindness, Lessons learned, Life, loving others, managing change, Obedience, patience, Peace, peace of God, perseverance, Personal, reaching out, Relationship With God, sanctification, sharing, Surrender, the cross of Christ, The Gospel, The Gospel of Jesus Christ, trusting God, Truth, truth

He never invited her to church


How Rosaria Champagne Butterfield met Jesus is an incredible story. This radical unbeliever despised Christians and didn’t believe Jesus was real, according to her story published on the Christianity Today¹ website in their February 7 issue. She calls her story My Train Wreck Conversion. “Stupid. Pointless. Menacing,” she said. “That’s what I thought of Christians and their god Jesus.”

Her story, despite being an amazing work of God in her life, is not what grabbed my attention. Ken Smith, a pastor at the Syracuse Reformed Presbyterian Church, wrote Dr. Butterfield a letter. The lesbian radical wrote a vehement assault on Christianity in a local Syracuse, New York paper in 1997 after Promise Keepers came to town.

The story drew both fan mail and hate mail, but Ken Smith’s letter, Butterfield said, was engaging, not condemning, not judgmental. “And he didn’t invite me to church,” she said.

THAT’S what caught my attention.

He didn’t invite her to church.

In a few words, Butterfield and Smith and his wife, Floy, became friends.

“They entered my world,” she said in her story. “They met my friends. We did book exchanges. We talked openly about sexuality and politics. They did not act as if such conversations were polluting them. They did not treat me like a blank slate. When we ate together, Ken prayed in a way I had never heard before. His prayers were intimate. Vulnerable. He repented of his sin in front of me. He thanked God for all things. Ken’s God was holy and firm, yet full of mercy. And because Ken and Floy did not invite me to church, I knew it was safe to be friends.”

When I first moved to Alabama and met new people the first thing many of them asked me was, “Do you have a church home?” Regardless of my answer, they’d invite me to church.

Ken Smith, in my opinion, employed the best and most effective evangelism tool–friendship. Ken and Floy knew what Jesus meant when He taught His disciples to “Love One Another.” As a result of their friendship, Dr. Butterfield made a conscious and independent decision to go to church, where she met and accepted Jesus Christ.

She calls her story, “My Train Wreck Conversion”. I urge you to read her full story on the Christianity Today website. Or watch the video version below.

She has written a book about her life and her conversion experience, “The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert.”

We truly serve an Awesome God, and we never know when, how or who He will draw someone unto Himself.

¹The Christianity Today website story © 2013 by Christianity Today, My Train Wreck Conversion, was the inspiration for this blog post. Direct quotes from her story appear in quotation marks in the post.

adapting to change, attitude, behvior, Bible, changes, Friendship, God, God's Power, God's purpose, Grace, growth, How God Loves Us, Identity In Christ, knowing God, Love, Loving God, peace of God, perseverance, Praise, Prayer, Psalms, sanctification, Satan/sin/evil/temptatioon, Surrender, The Gospel, The Solution

What brand of nacre do you use?

No, it’s not misspelled. What brand of  n-a-c-r-e  do you use?

 Of course that begs the question,  what on earth is necra?

Nacre is the filmy layer of goo an oyster secretes to cover a grain of sand that has embedded itself in the oyster shell and become a nasty irritant.  The necra eventually hardens around the irritating grain of sand and exerts so much pressure on the  grain of sand  that it over time it becomes a beautiful diamond.of inestimable value.

Back to the main question– what brand of necra do you use?  Of course we don’t have any necra laying around when things irritate us to the point of distraction. Walmart doesn’t carry it. either. And there’s no limit to  the kind or severity of irritants we experience. The irritant can be is pesky as a snoring spouse or a banging toilet or a neighbor who parks two of his wheels on your grass.

Admit it. Things and people  irritate us almost every day.

Unlike the oyster we don’t have any goo to make the irritation go away or turn it into a sparkling diamond. If we don’t dispatch that pesky irritation, it will continue to fester and gnaw at us and make us miserable.

Let me  share  a two-step process it is guaranteed to minimize or completely eradicate any irritation you might experience.

Bathe yourself  in Psalms

It doesn’t matter which Psalms you read.  Just open your Bible and start reading Psalm after Psalm. . The Psalms will begin changing your attitude and lifting your Spirit.  Reading Psalms will give you an entirely new perspective of your irritations and give you God’s perspective and scriptures on how to handle them.

Remember, recite and meditate on Romans 8:28

Romans 8:28 is not just a promise God makes to us. It is something God does for us in our daily lives.  First of all every choice we make and everything we do gets filtered through God’s love and grace for us. And he uses our choices, decisions and actions for our ultimate good.  So if you are dealing with irritations in your life keep in mind  that God is going to turn it all into something for our good.

And bye bye irritations .If you don’t believe this method will work for you, try it and prove me wrong.

A Personal Relationship With God, acceptance, attitude, behavior, Blood of Christ, change, choices, Forgiveness, freedom, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, God's Word, Grace / Mercy, hope, humility, Lessons learned, Obedience, perseverance, Personal, sanctification, showing love, Surrender, the cross of Christ, Truth

When God said “No”.

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, Almighty God, Bible, Bible Study, Biblical Principals, God, God's Will, Grace, sanctification, The Gospel, Truth

When DO we all get to heaven?

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, Almighty God, Biblical Principals, choices, finding your way, God's love, God's omnipotence, God's purpose, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, God's Word, Grace, Grace / Mercy, growth, hope, In the presence of God, Loving God, loving others, Obedience, Relationship With God, Righteousness, sanctification, Serving others, Surrender, Truth, Worship

Are you in or are you out?

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, adoption, Bible, Biblical Principals, change, changes, Christian community, conversation, Creation, God, God's Power, God's purpose, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, Grace, Grace / Mercy, Guest Blogger, hope, knowing God, Obedience, protection, Salvation Plan, sanctification, Surrender, Truth

What’s your PQ-your purpose quotient?

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, behavior, Biblical Principals, Christian community, conversation, Forgiveness, freedom, Friendship, God, God's omnicience, God's omnipotence, God's omnipresence, God's Power, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, Grace, Grace / Mercy, How God Loves Us, Identity In Christ, kindness, knowing God, Loving God, Relationship With God, Righteousness, Salvation Plan, sanctification, Serving others, showing love, Truth

5 + 2

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, acceptance, Almighty God, attitude, behavior, Bible, Bible Study, Biblical Principals, Blood of Christ, choices, Christian community, Exchanged Life, Forgiveness, freedom, God, God's love, God's omnicience, God's omnipotence, God's Power, God's purpose, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, God's Word, Grace, Grace / Mercy, Jesus, kindness, knowing God, Love, Loving God, patience, Peace, Praise and Worship, protection, Relationship, Relationship With God, Righteousness, sanctification, Servant, sharing, Surrender, the cross of Christ, The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, trusting God, Truth, Worship

Must we confess our sins to be forgiven?

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, acceptance, adoption, Almighty God, Biblical Principals, Blood of Christ, choices, Creation, freedom, God, God's love, God's omnicience, God's omnipotence, God's omnipresence, God's Power, God's purpose, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, God's Word, Grace, Grace / Mercy, Heaven, hope, How God Loves Us, If You Are In Christ . . ., knowing God, Lessons learned, Love, Obedience, Personal, Praise and Worship, reaching out, Relationship With God, Resurrection, Righteousness, Salvation Plan, sanctification, Service, Serving others, sharing, showing love, Surrender, Truth

The majestic, simple Gospel

A Personal Relationship With God, Almighty God, God, God's love, God's omnicience, God's omnipotence, God's omnipresence, God's Sovereignty, Grace, How God Loves Us, Jesus, knowing God, Love, Loving God, loving others, Personal, Praise and Worship, reaching out, Relationship With God, Resurrection, Salvation Plan, sanctification, Service, Serving others, sharing, showing love, teachers, Truth, wisdom of children, Worship

3 things Vacation Bible School taught me

A Personal Relationship With God, acceptance, attitude, Biblical Principals, changes, choices, Christian community, Forgiveness, freedom, God, God's Power, God's purpose, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, Grace, Grace / Mercy, growth, Guest Blogger, How God Loves Us, humility, In the presence of God, kindness, Love, Obedience, patience, peace of God, Praise and Worship, Relationship, Relationship With God, sanctification, Serving others, Surrender, trusting God, Truth

Why forgive?

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, Almighty God, Biblical Principals, Blood of Christ, change, choices, Christianity, Exchanged Life, finding your way, God, God's love, God's omnipresence, God's Power, God's purpose, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, God's Word, Grace, Grace / Mercy, growth, How God Loves Us, Identity In Christ, Jesus, kindness, knowing God, Love, Loving God, loving others, Peace, Personal, Practicing Religion Or Living In Faith?, Relationship, Relationship With God, Righteousness, sanctification, Service, Serving others, showing love, Surrender, the cross of Christ, The Gospel, The Gospel of Jesus Christ, trusting God, Truth

How do we get right with God?

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, acceptance, Biblical Principals, choices, freedom, God alone, God's love, God's omnicience, God's omnipotence, God's omnipresence, God's Power, God's purpose, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, God's Word, Grace, Grace / Mercy, kindness, knowing God, Loving God, Personal, Relationship With God, sanctification, Surrender, trusting God, Truth

Why can’t we understand “free”?

abiding in Christ, attitude, behavior, choices, Forgiveness, freedom, God's purpose, God's Will, God's Word, Grace, Grace / Mercy, humility, kindness, Obedience, Peace, peace of God, Personal, Righteousness, sanctification, Serving others, showing love, The Great Commission, trusting God

The other cheek

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, application, attitude, behavior, Biblical Principals, choices, finding your way, freedom, God, God alone, God's love, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, Grace, Grace / Mercy, growth, Guest Blogger, humility, knowing God, Lessons learned, managing change, Practicing Religion Or Living In Faith?, protection, reaching out, sanctification, Serving others, sharing, showing love, Surrender, trusting God, Truth

What’s your FQ? your faith quotient?

abiding in Christ, acceptance, Biblical Principals, Christianity, conversation, Friendship, God's love, God's omnipresence, God's purpose, God's Sovereignty, God's Word, Grace, Grace / Mercy, growth, How God Loves Us, Identity In Christ, If You Are In Christ . . ., knowing God, Love, loving others, Obedience, Peace, Praise, Salvation Plan, sanctification, The Church, the cross of Christ, The Gospel, The Gospel of Jesus Christ

Baskin Robins Christianity

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, attitude, Bible, Biblical Principals, Blood of Christ, choices, Christian community, Christianity, conversation, finding your way, God, God's omnicience, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, God's Word, Grace, Grace / Mercy, hope, kindness, Love, Obedience, Peace, Personal, Practicing Religion Or Living In Faith?, sanctification, Surrender, The Gospel of Jesus Christ, Truth

A book of discipline

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, acceptance, adapting to change, attitude, change, choices, finding your way, Friendship, God, God's love, God's omnipotence, God's purpose, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, God's Word, Grace, Grace / Mercy, growth, How God Loves Us, humility, If You Are In Christ . . ., kindness, knowing God, Loving God, perseverance, sanctification, Surrender, trusting God, Truth

Failure in 2017

A Personal Relationship With God, acceptance, adapting to change, attitude, behavior, Bible, Biblical Principals, change, choices, God, God's omnicience, God's purpose, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, Grace, Grace / Mercy, knowing God, Lessons learned, Obedience, patience, protection, Relationship With God, Resurrection, sanctification, Surrender, trusting God, Truth

Banging on the door

A Personal Relationship With God, acceptance, Almighty God, attitude, changes, choices, finding your way, Forgiveness, God, God's love, God's omnicience, God's omnipotence, God's omnipresence, God's Power, God's purpose, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, God's Word, Grace, Grace / Mercy, growth, How God Loves Us, Loving God, loving others, sanctification, Trials and tribulation

Sharing scars

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, attitude, Biblical Principals, changes, choices, Forgiveness, freedom, God's love, God's omnicience, God's omnipotence, God's omnipresence, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, God's Word, Grace, Grace / Mercy, growth, knowing God, Loving God, loving others, Relationship, Relationship With God, sanctification, the cross of Christ, trusting God, wisdom of children

Go ahead! Take God for granted

A Personal Relationship With God, Almighty God, Biblical Principals, Creation, God, God alone, God's love, God's omnipotence, God's omnipresence, God's Power, God's purpose, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, God's Word, Grace, hope, How God Loves Us, Loving God, sanctification

Was God’s creation perfect?

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, attitude, behavior, Bible, choices, freedom, God, God's omnipotence, God's Sovereignty, God's Word, Grace, Grace / Mercy, Loving God, loving others, peace of God, perseverance, Relationship, Relationship With God, sanctification, Truth

Some encouraging words

A Personal Relationship With God, change, choices, God, God's love, God's omnipresence, God's purpose, God's Will, God's Word, Grace, Grace / Mercy, sanctification, Truth, Worship

The Prayer Cafe