A Personal Relationship With God, Almighty God, attitude, behavior, Bible, Exchanged Life, God, God alone, God's love, God's Power, God's purpose, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, Grace, Grace / Mercy, Identity In Christ, If You Are In Christ . . ., Jesus, knowing God, Lessons learned, Love, Obedience, Personal, Relationship With God, Satan/sin/evil/temptatioon, Service, Surrender, The Church, trusting God

Put your helmet on

Come on folks it’s time to get serious. 

We are in a war

We’re not at war in Afghanistan, not Iran, not Syria, We’re in a battle between our ears for our hearts and thought life.  It’s a battle for our culture, for our families, our communities and for our spiritual lives. I believe there’s probably a whole bunch of believers who don’t give Satan ort spiritual warfare  a second thought. Satan and Evil and sin don’t concern them. If there’s spiritual warfare going on they’d rather just put it out of their minds all together. They would rather sit on their complacent, worldly self-indulgent back sides and warm up their pews every Sunday.

For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5

When is the last time you pleaded with Satan to flee from your presence? When’s the last genuine “Come-to Jesus “ meeting you had with yourself or a close friend about it? When is the last time a trial befell you and you knew it was Satan? When did you last sin or when was the last time you were disobedient? Did you talk with a close friend or your pastor about it? When did you last talk about Satan with friends?”

 Here’s a question: Do you think we talk about Satan too much or too little?

 Do you think we are at war spiritually or do you think that’s just a bunch of Biblical mumbo jumbo nonsense and you don’t want to be troubles with it at all.

Whether you thought about Satan today or haven’t thought about him in years, he’s thinking about us every moment looking for someone to devour–to kill, discourage or ruin their day. Every time Satan tells you a lie and you believe him, he’s had a good day.

I believe there’s probably a whole bunch of believers who don’t give Satan or spiritual warfare  a second thought. Satan and Evil and sin don’t concern them. If there’s spiritual warfare going on they’d rather just put it out of their minds all together. They would rather sit on their complacent, worldly self-indulgent back sides and warm up a pew every Sunday.

Howard Beale got mad enough  to go to war.    In the 1975 classic movie Network Howard let everyone know how he felt in his radio audience when he shouted into his mike, ” I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore.”

Are you mad enough to go to war? Then strap your helmet on. It’s time. Or would you rather sit on your complacent, worldly self-indulgent back sides and warm up a pew every Sunday.

Maybe he’s not even paying attention too many Christian who are afraid to go to war.l lives. We’ve got to get off of our complacent, worldly, self-loving rears and go to war to preserve the Gospel that saved us and gave us new life.

When is the last time you cursed him for messing with you?  When is the last time you  commanded him to flee from you? When is the last time you thought about Satan? Thought about Evil? Thought about your own disobedience?  When’s the last time you thought about sin? Yours or someone else’s.

Whether you thought about Satan today or haven’t thought about him in years  he’s thinking about us every waking moment looking for somebody to destroy  or just discourage someone or ruin someone’s day or just get them off their game.

I would venture a guess that he’s not paying attention to lots of Christians who are afraid to go to war and prefer to sit on their complacent, worldly, self-loving rears and let other folks go to war.

adapting to change, attitude, behvior, Bible, changes, Friendship, God, God's Power, God's purpose, Grace, growth, How God Loves Us, Identity In Christ, knowing God, Love, Loving God, peace of God, perseverance, Praise, Prayer, Psalms, sanctification, Satan/sin/evil/temptatioon, Surrender, The Gospel, The Solution

What brand of nacre do you use?

No, it’s not misspelled. What brand of  n-a-c-r-e  do you use?

 Of course that begs the question,  what on earth is necra?

Nacre is the filmy layer of goo an oyster secretes to cover a grain of sand that has embedded itself in the oyster shell and become a nasty irritant.  The necra eventually hardens around the irritating grain of sand and exerts so much pressure on the  grain of sand  that it over time it becomes a beautiful diamond.of inestimable value.

Back to the main question– what brand of necra do you use?  Of course we don’t have any necra laying around when things irritate us to the point of distraction. Walmart doesn’t carry it. either. And there’s no limit to  the kind or severity of irritants we experience. The irritant can be is pesky as a snoring spouse or a banging toilet or a neighbor who parks two of his wheels on your grass.

Admit it. Things and people  irritate us almost every day.

Unlike the oyster we don’t have any goo to make the irritation go away or turn it into a sparkling diamond. If we don’t dispatch that pesky irritation, it will continue to fester and gnaw at us and make us miserable.

Let me  share  a two-step process it is guaranteed to minimize or completely eradicate any irritation you might experience.

Bathe yourself  in Psalms

It doesn’t matter which Psalms you read.  Just open your Bible and start reading Psalm after Psalm. . The Psalms will begin changing your attitude and lifting your Spirit.  Reading Psalms will give you an entirely new perspective of your irritations and give you God’s perspective and scriptures on how to handle them.

Remember, recite and meditate on Romans 8:28

Romans 8:28 is not just a promise God makes to us. It is something God does for us in our daily lives.  First of all every choice we make and everything we do gets filtered through God’s love and grace for us. And he uses our choices, decisions and actions for our ultimate good.  So if you are dealing with irritations in your life keep in mind  that God is going to turn it all into something for our good.

And bye bye irritations .If you don’t believe this method will work for you, try it and prove me wrong.

A Personal Relationship With God, abiding in Christ, acceptance, admonition, behavior, Biblical Principals, changes, choices, God's love, God's omnicience, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, Grace, Grace / Mercy, How God Loves Us, knowing God, sanctification, Satan/sin/evil/temptatioon, Surrender, Trials and tribulation, trusting God, Truth

“I wish I hadn’t done that.”

A Personal Relationship With God, Almighty God, behavior, choices, Forgiveness, God, God's omnipresence, God's Sovereignty, Obedience, peace of God, Relationship With God, Satan/sin/evil/temptatioon, Truth

so they hid

God, Satan/sin/evil/temptatioon

Adultery Website Hacked; Hackers May Expose 30+ Million Cheaters’ Personal Info

choices, Forgiveness, God, God's love, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, Grace / Mercy, How God Loves Us, Relationship With God, Righteousness, Satan/sin/evil/temptatioon, Serving others, The Gospel of Jesus Christ, Truth

Jesus Was Narrow Minded And Intolerant

A Personal Relationship With God, attitude, choices, Friendship, God, God's omnicience, God's Power, God's purpose, Grace, Lessons learned, Life, Salvation Plan, Satan/sin/evil/temptatioon, The Great Commission, Truth

He Didn’t Invite Her To Church

A Personal Relationship With God, God, God's love, God's Power, God's Sovereignty, Satan/sin/evil/temptatioon

Pushing Through The Veil

A Personal Relationship With God, Biblical Principals, God, God's love, God's omnipotence, God's omnipresence, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, Grace, Grace / Mercy, Identity In Christ, Life, Obedience, Satan/sin/evil/temptatioon, The Gospel of Jesus Christ, Truth, What I Believe

The Other Shoe

God, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, Obedience, Personal, Satan/sin/evil/temptatioon, The Holy Spirit

What We Do With Our Sin?–Rationalize It

God, Grace, Jesus, Satan/sin/evil/temptatioon

The Beautiful Tree I Despise

God, God's Sovereignty, God's Word, Grace / Mercy, Satan/sin/evil/temptatioon, The Church, Truth

Moral High Ground Eroding Fast

God, Guest Blogger, Salvation Plan, Satan/sin/evil/temptatioon, The Gospel

How To Win Over Sin

God, God's omnipresence, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, Jesus, Love, Obedience, Righteousness, Satan/sin/evil/temptatioon, The Gospel

God Never Allows More Than We Can Bear. Oh, Yes, He Does!

God, God's Power, Grace, Obedience, Personal, Satan/sin/evil/temptatioon, Truth

I Could Have Drowned

God, Personal, Relationship With God, Satan/sin/evil/temptatioon

Thoughts On Newtown

I have avoided posting anything so far about the senseless slaughter of innocent children and teachers in Newtown. I have been looking on Facebook and a few blogs for meaningful comments to share on my blog. Everything that could be said, has been said. And said. And said. One of my Facebook friends poured her heart out on her Facebook page. She Continue reading

God, God's Sovereignty, God's Word, Grace / Mercy, Home, Identity In Christ, Life, Obedience, Righteousness, Satan/sin/evil/temptatioon, Surrender, The Church, The Gospel, Truth

The Church: Harlot Or Bride? Megachurches Marketing To Consumers

God, God's Power, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, Identity In Christ, Jesus, Life, Love, Obedience, Peace, Satan/sin/evil/temptatioon, Service, Surrender, Truth

My Recovery Story — Step One

My Recovery Story — Step One — We admitted we were powerless over alcohol (our addiction) – that our lives had become unmanageable.

Because of your wrath there is no health in my body; there is no soundness in my bones because of my sin. Psalm 38:3

My addictions: pornography and relationships.

My recovery didn’t start until I got a handle on admitting I was powerless and I was living Continue reading

God, God's Sovereignty, God's Will, Guest Blogger, Life, Personal, Righteousness, Satan/sin/evil/temptatioon, Truth

What’ The Cure?

Bible Study, God, Grace / Mercy, Life, Love, Peace, Righteousness, Satan/sin/evil/temptatioon, Truth

Does The Church Draw People, Or Drive Them Away? Part 1

Biblical Principals, God, Life, Love, Righteousness, Satan/sin/evil/temptatioon, Surrender, The Gospel, Truth

Religious Freedom — An Oxymoron

A friend of mine emailed me some pictures of billboards going up somewhere in Tennessee for a certain political party. Two of the billboards suggested that if we choose their political candidate, America would have “Religious Freedom”.

I don’t want religion. Do you? Continue reading

God, God's Sovereignty, Jesus, Love, Satan/sin/evil/temptatioon

Struggling For Acceptance

Biblical Principals, God, God's Word, Guest Blogger, Life, Love, Obedience, Satan/sin/evil/temptatioon, The Gospel, Truth

My Sin Is That Bad

Biblical Principals, God, Satan/sin/evil/temptatioon

Big Bad-Boy Sinners

God, God's Power, Obedience, Personal, Satan/sin/evil/temptatioon, Surrender, The Gospel

If At First You Don’t Succeed, Give Up.